
Archetti Lab

Evolutionary Game Theory, Applied Game Theory, Evolutionary Genetics, Dynamics of Cancer

Bankevich Lab

sequencing data analysis and genome assembly

Carrel Lab

Genomics of X chromosome inactivation

Cheng Lab

Convergence Science approaches to phenomics, cancer genetics, web-based resources, image Informatics, systems genetics, genomics, and pigmentation genetics

Chiaromonte Lab

Statistical genomics

Cremona Lab

Statistical techniques for the analysis of large, high-dimensional and complex data.

Davenport Lab

Understanding the complex relationship humans have with our microbiomes, using high-throughput sequencing technologies and novel computational and statistical techniques.

Dovat Lab

Pediatrics, Hematology, Oncology

Eckert Lab

Molecular mechanisms of mutagenesis in human cells as related to cancer

Fernández-Rhodes Lab

Genetic, Epigenetic, and Social Epidemiology