
Medvedev Lab

Computational Approaches for High-Throughput Sequencing Data

Nader Lab

Skeletal Muscle Biology-Gene regulation

Paul Lab

Newborn health outcomes, childhood obesity, breastfeeding, pediatric therapeutics, asthma

Reimherr Lab

Functional Data Analysis; Longitudinal Data Analysis; Statistical Genetics; High Dimensional Regression and Screening; Functional Time Series and Spatio-Temporal Processes; Change-Point Analysis

Safonova Lab

Development of computational tools for comparative and personalized immunogenomics and studies adaptive immune systems and responses

Silverman Lab

Uncertainty quantification in the setting of partial identifiability with a particular application to the analysis of multivariate sequence count data, multivariate time-series analysis

Slavkovic Lab

Statistical Data Privacy, Differential Privacy, Algebraic Statistics, Discrete Distributions, Application of Statistics to Information and Social Sciences

Spratt Lab

The Enzymology of DNA Repair and Mutagenesis; Mechanisms of fidelity and mutagenesis of DNA polymerases

Szpiech Lab

Population genetics and evolutionary genomics

Marta Tomaszkiewicz

Genomics, Ampliconic genes, Human Genetics, Chromosome biology, and Y Chromosome Evolution.