
Carrel Lab

Genomics of X chromosome inactivation

Cheng Lab

Convergence Science approaches to phenomics, cancer genetics, web-based resources, image Informatics, systems genetics, genomics, and pigmentation genetics

Dovat Lab

Pediatrics, Hematology, Oncology

Eckert Lab

Molecular mechanisms of mutagenesis in human cells as related to cancer

Georgakopoulos-Soares Lab

Using bioinformatic and genomics approaches across basic science research problems and in translational medicine.

Gonzalez Lab

Neuropsychiatric genetics in diverse populations

Hicks Lab

Assistant Prof in the Dept of Pediatrics

Janicki Lab


Liu Lab

Statistical Genetics; Complex Trait Genetics; Functional Genomics

Paul Lab

Newborn health outcomes, childhood obesity, breastfeeding, pediatric therapeutics, asthma